ABS Broadcast


Sarang Kharche

Date Modified


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How to resolve Remote Desktop Connection Error (code: 0x112f)

Application Name

Remote Desktop

Network Type

Office or Automation



How to resolve Remote Desktop Connection Error (code: 0x112f)?


How to:


This error can be triggered by insufficient memory on the RDP server. 

Method 1: A server restart will solve the issue in most cases.

Open Command Prompt and use the command as below: 

shutdown /m \\computername /r /f

This command will restart the computer named computername and force all programs that are still running to close. To use this command use the actual hostname for E.g. ABSEGPC1 or the IP of the remote machine in the place of computername.

Tip: You may be asked to enter the password for the remote machine.

Method 2: If you cannot restart the server look for the unnecessary processes that are consuming memory on the remote machine using task manager and terminate them.