ABS Broadcast


Sarang Kharche

Date Modified


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NOLLY AFRICA Excel Macro Not Working


Knowledge Base/Engineering/Troubleshooting

Application Name

MS Excel

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There is an issue with the NOLLY AFRICA schedule that has been sent, MACRO is not working on it.

Please note that this troubleshooting guide is for Nolly Africa only.


How to:


Runtime Error 1003 - The method has the wrong number of arguments. This usually occurs when you use comma-separated position arguments (instead of named arguments), and you have too many arguments.

  • For example, the latest excel sheet for November 2019 from Nolly Africa has a formula Example (B2 + C2) from row 2 column 2 till the end.


  • This values should be actual numbers eg. 01:35:00 and shouldn't have formula values to it.


  • That's the reason the macros didn't execute.


  • The solution is to request a new corrected file from Nolly Africa.



Tips: Macros don't usually have the tendency to break as are hard programmed. When a Macro doesn't work its most probably because of the excel sheet it's running on is in an incorrect format.